Friday 6 January 2012

Massive Changes to our lives 2008-2012

Well to say the last 3 and a bit years have been a rollercoaster would be somewhat an understatement. Let me explain-
In 2006 we applied to emigrate to Canada for chance of a better life for us and any children we may have in the future. It's not an easy process, nor is it cheap or stress free let me tell you that. So, I guess in many ways the rollercoaster started in 2006.
There are so many forms to fill in and photos to be had (with very particular rules too). Medicals to be had and a request for 10 years worth of payslips for the principal applicant (that being Richard my husband who is a car mechanic). Now for most this would bring cold sweats and fear but no, I live with a very well organised husband who decided many years ago that he would keep all his payslips since the age of 16. Maybe it's fate or maybe slightly OCD lol but it's just another reason I love that man :).
But you know what the hardest thing and probably the worst bit of the whole application process was breaking the news to family and friends. I had spoken for years about Canada and maybe trying things out and Richard's family knew we had been researching Canada but I think the moment we told them was pretty crap to be honest. I can still remember people's reactions and I think we had underestimated things somewhat. But that's one of the things I have learnt from this emigration process- things are not always as they seem and that the emotional and financial pressure that an expat experiences is something that only an expat can understand. I was guilty of being one of those people who thought emigration was black and white- "Don't like UK = Move somewhere else" But, it's far from that simple. I knew it would be hard and I was not that naive that I thought we would come here and life would be rosy but the rollercoaster we have been on was much more intense than we have ever envisioned.
My next blog will explain ....

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